Happily Ever After

Life in The Rural Retreat with a beautiful wife, three cats, garden wildlife, a camera, a computer – and increasing amounts about running

Earlier posts can be found on Adventures of a Lone Bass Player, where this blog began life. Recent entries can be found here.


Lucky, Lucky, Lucky

by admin - 22:57 on 09 June 2010

I thought I'd missed my chance. One moment the top of the garden gate was covered in tempting pine marten treats, the next they were gone.

More annoyingly, it was only 8pm, the light dull but reasonable, and I'd been distracted by a not-very-good book (the latest Patricia Cornwell) – an error the real wildlife photographers never make.

However, Master Marten had left without his egg. There was a chance he'd return. I put more Nutella on the gate, crossed my fingers and waited.

Marten 26

Half-an-hour later he – or someone very like him – was back. He polished off his second helping of Nutella, collected his egg and disappeared into the undergrowth. What he didn't do was investigate The Nutella Tree, which seems only to be climbed after dark: it's certainly clear of sweet treats by morning.

My reward for perseverance was some of the best shots so far this year. I kept the ISO at 800 which even so meant a bit of noise and shooting at 1/6th of a second, but some of the detail is good: I can even see for the first time that Master Marten has an erratic whisker growing on his snout halfway between his nose and his eye.

Marten 24

Five snaps survived quality control; you can see the others on my Flickr site. They may not be print quality yet, but they're not far off. Any day now...

Band Update: The curse of the quantum rock band struck again this week. Tomorrow evening was reserved for a rehearsal/audition but work has called Adam to the wrong part of the country. I think it's time he reassessed his priorities.

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