Happily Ever After

Life in The Rural Retreat with a beautiful wife, three cats, garden wildlife, a camera, a computer – and increasing amounts about running

Earlier posts can be found on Adventures of a Lone Bass Player, where this blog began life. Recent entries can be found here.


A Date In Alloa

by Russell Turner - 22:13 on 05 December 2021

I’ve had to make a modest adjustment to next year’s race calendar following news that a date’s been set for the Alloa Half Marathon, which I entered in 2020. The organisers have chosen the same date – March 20 – as the Wigan HM, also entered in pre-Covid 2020.

Alloa is a mere 157 miles away, and would require just one overnight stay, so it would be perverse to travel 210 miles further to run the same distance in Lancashire, even with the bonus of accommodation at Chez Cathy (assuming it’s still on offer). Clearly I’m fated never to claim my free pie.

Of course, that might change if Alloa has lost my entry form; I won’t book a hotel just yet.

Training continues spasmodic and unstructured, which had allowed my suspect ankle time to sort itself out, and which it had been doing quite successfully until last night when I twisted it climbing on stage before entertaining a roomful of partygoers at Inverness Legion with City Limits. Such is life.

Fortunately it didn’t stop me from completing a steady five miles this morning, part of preparation for December’s Big Challenge. I’ve two in mind but have yet to decide which to choose, or when; the Weather Gods will probably have the last word.

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