Happily Ever After

Life in The Rural Retreat with a beautiful wife, three cats, garden wildlife, a camera, a computer – and increasing amounts about running

Earlier posts can be found on Adventures of a Lone Bass Player, where this blog began life. Recent entries can be found here.


Introducing Rory

by Russell Turner - 17:22 on 04 October 2017

No brisk walking today (I prefer to call it a quick march) so I was able to prepare for my literary double bill at the weekend: Bassman Books on display at the Black Isle Gathering on Saturday, and on Sunday at the Ness Book Fest in Waterstones where I’m part of a talk on self-publishing.

With luck I’ll sell a few books and pick up a few more authors to go alongside the two I visited yesterday to explain how I could help their literary dreams come true. One might bear fruit quite quickly; the other may be a more distant project. And the mountain hares book is still a work in progress. Next year could be a busy one.

My endeavours are not all theoretical, fortunately, for my latest efforts saw the light of day at the weekend. Rory McGrory’s New Bed, written by Judy from The Emporium bookshop in Cromarty, isn’t published by Bassman but the design and layout is all mine.

It’s a colourful tale of one boy and his mouse. Contact her if you’d like a copy – a snip at £7.95.

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